Hey everyone today I am going to show ya'll what I packed in the Diaper Bag for the Hospital. I am 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my first child and her name is Chloe. I went to visit my hospital Labor and Delivery Wing about a month or so ago. The only major things they told me to pack was clothes because they provide you with everything else like diapers and wipes. Here is what I decided to pack in her diaper bag....

This is my Diaper Bag and I purchased it at Sears for around $20 or less. It has two pockets and a zipper pocket up front and one pocket on each side of the diaper bag. There is a pocket in the back of the diaper bag and that just holds the changing pad.
2 Front Pockets:

In the first pocket on the left holds this stuff which is a sticky note pad just in case I need to write something down at the hospital, a recepit that has the purchase of the diaper bag and mattress, and last is a pen.

In the right pocket holds this stuff which is mainly stuff for me. Gum, Hairties, Hand Sanitizer, Lip Blam, Nail Filer and Roller Ball Perfume.
Zipper Pocket:

I am bringing 4 pairs of Hand Mittens because in the ultrasound's Chloe likes to touch her face a lot so I am bringing these so she doesn't scratch her face. I am bringing 3 pairs of socks that can go with any outfit I put on her. Last is a Pacifier just in case.

Also in the zipper pocket is this stuff which includes a burp cloth, 2 hats and 2 headbands.
Main Zipper Compartment:

I decided to pack this travel size of wipes and 1 diaper just in case we need it for any reason. They are the huggies brand but the main brand we will be using is the Pampers Swaddlers just in case you wanted to know.

I am bringing these two pair of onesies. On the left it says "My Daddy's wrapped around my little finger" and on the right it says "When all else fails ask grandma"

This is her outfit she will be wearing when we take pictures at the hospital. I got it at Sears for $17 I think.

This is Chloe going home outfit.

Last is this Baby Starters Blanket. We are bringing this to the hospital to keep her warm.
*So this is what I packed in her Diaper Bag for the hospital. I will do a updated Diaper Bag once she is born and I have more stuff to show ya'll.*
CES <3