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Welcome to My Blog. I just started this on March 6th, 2011. This blog will be about my life and my family.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Week In Pictures: June 16-22 2014

Hey everyone! Here is what I did this week in Pictures.......

Monday June 16 (Got My Baby Back):
I haven't been feeling good for the past week now ugh! Stomach pains.... 

I found out I owe my College $228.52 I can't register or take classes till I pay them.

I got my baby back! She been with her dad for about 4 days now since I been sick. She loves her radio.

She will climb into anything she doesn't care!

Watching Switch at Birth!

Watching The Fosters!

Tuesday June 17 (Lazy Day):
Chloe eating her breakfast. She has half a Strawberry Banana cereal bar, half of a Waffle and Blueberry nugget bites.

She let me hold her hand while watching cartoons.

My mom and Chloe.....

Pretty Little Liars! Alison is back in Rosewood.... I will be doing a recap on this episode.

New series called Chasing Life. April has Cancer.... I like watching this show because I know how it feels to know someone who had Cancer. My grandma died of Ovarian Cancer.

Wednesday June 18:
I decided to wear my hair down again and I put in a small braid on each side. I am also wearing my Breakfast Club T Shirt!

Watching Itsjudylife on YouTube!

This little tree is growing in the yard and getting flowers on it now.

Friday June 20:
I started my Health/Interstitial Cystitis blog back up. I actually just posted a update on there so check it out at------> dealingwithic.blogspot.com 

One of my favorite families to watch on Youtube! I mention them all the time.

Watching Anna Sacccone What I ate Wednesday!

7up Cake! It really does taste like 7up!

Saturday June 21:
I found her on YouTube and she gives really good tips and ideas for people who have IC. 

Yea I am eating in bed but I don't do this often! 

Playing a little Pac Man!

Took this to help me sleep. I only take this when Chloe is spending the night with her dad.

CES <3

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