Height and Weight: Chloe height is 28 1/4 and weight is 17 pounds.
Teeth: She has two bottom teeth but some are coming through on the top.
Feeding: Chloe is still on Similac Sensitive formula... She drinks about 4-6 ounces. She has about 4-5 bottles a day. She still gets baby food 3 times a day and we are introducing small table foods to her. We actually started using the baby bullet and so far it's working out great for her!
Clothing and Diaper Sizes: She is in 6-9 month clothing still and size 3 diapers.
Sleep Schedule/Routine: Chloe wakes up every morning around 8:30-9:30am. She takes about 2-3 naps a day. She takes a nap every 3-4 hours depending on how tired she is. She usually will take a 30min or 1hr nap, again depending on how tired she is. She goes to sleep around 10pm now. We are still co-sleeping but she will be transitioning soon to her crib.
Major Milestone: She can stand by her self for a couple of seconds without holding on to something.

CES <3
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