Always prefer using Pampers sensitive wipes.
Also bought a 3 pack later in this month.
Bought a box of Pampers Baby Dry diapers. I tried the cheap brand but Chloe leaks through those easily.
Got a new bottle brush we try to change these out as often as we can to prevent germs.
I ran out of this and had to get more!! Chloe top teeth are trying to come in and she been really fussy lately.
I got the Christmas collection pack! So cute! I bought two packages of pacifiers because they get lost so easily.
Josh parents bought Chloe the Magic Baby Bullet!! So excited to try this out!
Picked up some of her favorite baby foods to eat....
Chloe can have snacks now so I been buying her different ones. I picked up these and she doesn't really like them right now. I personally don't like them either they seem to hard for her to eat right now so I want to wait till she gets more teeth in for these.
These are her favorite snacks!!!!
This is what I got for Chloe so far this month....
CES <3
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