My Mom picked these up for me. It's by Kidget and they are 3 bottles that are 9 OZ. Also they are BPA Free. I like the cute designs on them and how it comes with a mini spoon!
My Mom won this out of a machine for Chloe. I love penguins so I thought Chloe would love this too.
I got this when I went to my 4D Ultrasound. They gave me a mini size of Similac Formula since I am doing formula over breastfeeding for certain reasons.
I also got this when I went to my 4D Ultrasound. It's a Similac Simply Smart Bottle. It's BPA Free and it's a 4 FL OZ bottle.
*This is all that I got in the past week or two. Next baby essentials haul might be a big one because my boyfriend is taking me shopping for Chloe. Hopefully to buy her some clothes!! I haven't bought any girl clothes yet.*
CES <3